...it is called...
THE Journey OF LiFE 3~~~
this trip was happening from 6 to 11 december 2010. i personally volunteered myself to join this becouse i want to fill up my holidays with many meaningful experiences.hehe
on the 6 and 7 december, we stayed at IIUM for the preparations..on the first meeting, there was an ice breaking slot for us to get to know the members of JASA. the activity was so fun and it is very interactive. the mastermind of that slot is BRO ALI who is also the advisor for the project. oh, forgot to mention, i was assigned as the preperation & technician biro(dont know how to spell it excactlly)....
on the 8th was th departure to the place called Kg org Asli Pulau Indah.
after ariving there, a lot have to be done, the prep n tech team was assigned to set up the place where the catering team will be cooking our meals...the job was phisically exhausting but to me i have learned new things like hot to handle a parang(never use one before) n also i got the chance to apply my knowledge of rope tieing from the JPAM...
later that night was a session with the head of the village called the TOK BATIN...
well, i dont want to tell all that's happened as it wont be enough and you might be bored to read ALL of it...hahaha
let's get to the point :
going to this journey to pulau indah had made me feel more closer to Allah as it is based on Dakwah as its main objective. i had also involve myself in many events like teaching the vilagers' children some cool n interactive aerobic-like movement like the "Xi Shua Shua" the "Algorithm March" and more...

furthermore, i also learned to nit the orang asli style...^_^
i also got the chance to slaughter a chicken for the very first time...^_^
sadly i got no picture of me with my slaughtered chicken...:(
lastly i also got myself an adopted family...hehehe
they are a great family and eventhough i only knew them for a short time, the treat me like i'm a part of their family too...sobs3
finally, on the 11th, it was time for our departure home...everyone was happy that time because of the great time we had. but at the same time, it was also the saddest time that i had experienced,,i almost cried during the departure time because everyone was going to miss each other and the activities that we had been through...
well, that's all i had to say...but there is so much more that i wanted to say but that would be like a novel then not a blog...hahaha
wah good entry...insyaAllah ukahwah fillah will saty forever even we are far from ecah other....kak erli hope all kmbians never forget to bring dakwah as sunshine where ever world you entered..MAy Allah always be with u dude...