ellow, we're here again in another photo post in my blog...hak3

this time its another black paper drawing....(^O^)....*silent*....(-_-")
anyways, this pic has two different situations but has the same meaning. what i mean about the same meaning is that both side of the pic is about the fragments of the memories of the a boy. you see two boys????(i'll give u a hint)....
its the one who's standing(on the left) and the one who is "mencangkung"ing...(dont know mencangkung in english....huk3 -_-"),,,,
anyways, both boy is the same boy but it is on a different situation...hehehe, see where this is going?...
okey, i'll explain what it means....
on the left, the boy is like standing in a cold and heart-crushed pose. this is because, he is flashbacking about the old memories and the times he was with the the girl who he used to like,,,,his admirence towards the girl was never fullfiled due to his transfer after the had known each other for a couple of years...
on the right, the boy is in that kind of pose is because he is refreshing all the memories of a girl who he spend time with a lot of time. we can say that he feels happy and calm when he is with her for no reason....
the backgruond,,well, its nothing to tell about, its just some photos as a simbolic with his memories....
well, that's all for now,,,,,,,,please leave a commet...(^__^")
i wonder who is dat girl huh..he